Women at the Table: Insights from Lebanese Women in Politics Publications UN Women

This would be a radical change from the separate education system that had developed for girls, which provided by French, American, and British organizations. Girls learned French history and the Catholic religion but were not required to learn the history of Lebanon/Syria or study their own Protestant, Maronite, Islamic, or Eastern Orthodox religions.

This emphasised incidence could be due to genomic modifications and mutations among the Arab population, specifically the Lebanese population. In fact, the BRCA1/2 mutations among Arab patients with OC proved to be one of the main pillars to its prevalence.

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  • It is the eighth most common cancer type in women, and the eighth commonest cause of cancer death among females in the world.
  • UN Women also engages men and boys in addressing negative stereotypes and inequalities.
  • The two data collection approaches were used as a triangulation method to enhance data richness and depth of inquiry and provide a more comprehensive understanding of women’s sexual difficulties .
  • One cause of sexual problems is the absence of sexual education in Lebanon.
  • Her life was changed when a client she represented in court assaulted someone, prompting the prosecutor to request that the case be processed in penal mediation so that both the aggressor and victim could settle the conflict amicably.

Women were refused the right to vote by earlier http://new.petroservices.org/2023/01/24/what-it-is-like-to-be-a-foreigner-dating-in-japan/ Lebanese governments, and they were not granted voting rights until they began organizing petitions demanding for equal rights between genders. In 1952, the Women’s Political Rights Agreement was signed, and it gave Lebanese women who had at least finished elementary education the right to vote. The limitation requiring women to at least have an elementary education to vote was lifted five years later in 1957 without much discourse. During a session with the UN Human Rights Council on January 18, 2021, Lebanon’s Universal Periodical Review submitted https://whizztours.com/european-women-in-space/ recommendations designed to enhance human rights measures and protections in Lebanon.

The American Junior College for Women was founded in 1924 being the first college in Lebanon built only for women. At the time only two other colleges admitted women which are the American University of Beirut and Universite St. Joseph. According to Human Rights Watch, Lebanese authorities fail to meet their legal obligations towards protecting women from violence and ending discrimination against them.

In most regions, leaders in politics, business, education, and literature arise from among those who have the educational qualifications for entry positions. From there, outstanding people demonstrate the ambition, character, and knowledge to move into leadership positions.

#IStandwithHer: It is time to change the story

In fact, 313,959 new cases of OC were reported in 2020 globally, accounting for 3.4% of all new female cancer cases, and deaths due to OC represented around 4.7% of all cancer-related deaths . Ovarian neoplasms are classified by the World Health Organisation according to the probable check it out on https://absolute-woman.com/asian-women/lebanese-women/ tissue of origin. These categories are surface epithelial (65%), germ cell (15%), sex cord-stromal (10%), metastases (5%) and miscellaneous (5%) . Data were collected from the Lebanese National Cancer Registry for the time period 2005–2016 . Data from other countries were retrieved from an online database ‘Cancer Incidence http://shoaibtuhin.com/2022/12/31/the-8-best-brazilian-dating-sites-apps-that-really-work/ in Five Continents’. The age-specific and age-standardised incidence rates were calculated and analysed using Joinpoint regression.

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However, as the ‘Consent for Publication’ refers to consent for the publication of identifying images or other personal or clinical details of participants that compromise anonymity, we consider this as “Not Applicable” to the current manuscript. Study participants consented to data sharing only with the research team, and not for additional data use purposes. While we acknowledge and appreciate the application and use of FAIR data principles and open data sharing, the sensitive nature of the topic in the Lebanese context and the potential of recognisable and identifiable circumstances may place participants at risk.

In another positive development, the government has recently adopted a law against sexual harassment, so there is hope momentum will be maintained despite the country’s troubles. UN Women and ESCWA conducted in-depth interviews with seven Lebanese women in politics who were all ‘first’s’ in different ways. There is no denying that Lebanon is a country with some of the most beautiful women in the world.

The poor do not see the accomplishments or share the same language of the strong women who are the invisible, educated leaders of Lebanon. Another organization is “The A Project”, a feminist sexual health organization founded in 2014. The organization provides a sexuality hotline, solidarity groups, outreach and training, and conducts research into sexuality issues in Lebanon. In 2016, they received a 20,000 euro grant from Mama Cash, a feminist grant-giving organization that supports services for women, girls, trans and non-binary people, and intersex people. Efforts to provide women with education in Lebanon appeared in the 1860s. In 1860, the idea of having a school for girls started to manifest after the civil war in Mount Lebanon. Following the war, the need for women to work was recognized to rebuild the struggling post-war economy.

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